12th Annual SAA Giving Thanks Open House 7th Tradition Celebration
Saturday, November 23, 2024; 11:30pm – 2:30pm (Hybrid-Online)
Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church
8801 N 43rd Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85051
Regardless of how we got here or the road to recovery we’ve taken since, in some way we’ve all benefited from the work of the ISO. At an international level, the ISO provides services that SAA members, groups, and Intergroups simply cannot provide on their own. And the ISO, like our local groups, is funded primarily through the contributions of members either directly or through meeting 7th traditions.
This event is open to all SAA members, their families, and friends who are 18 and over. The Central/Northern Arizona Intergroup of SAA is sponsoring this potluck event and will provide a main course. All donations will go directly to the ISO. At the celebration you can donate by check, cash, credit card or through the following link
No amount is too small! In addition, you can get information on becoming a Lifeline Partner, someone who helps the ISO carry the message of SAA through monthly sustaining contributions. Please join your program family in giving thanks for our recovery by supporting the ISO!
For more information text Elias B 480-316-3338
Please reach out to Elias B to sign up to volunteer for a service position for the event or to bring a dish.
Please join us for fellowship and to express gratitude for the SAA Recovery Program with your donation at this open house fundraiser for the ISO.
Lunch: Starts at 11:30
Speakers: 12:00-1:30 Karen S and Evah B. – Creating Meetings that are welcoming to women
Date: Saturday, November 23rd
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/92037275653?pwd=eURJYUx4ZXErQ3VNZ2lQWkVJQUpVUT09
Who: SAA members, family, and friends (18 and over)
Where: Jordan Café (located on the north side of campus)
Many of us were set on the path to relief from our addictive sexual behaviors directly or indirectly through the work of the International Service Organization of SAA (ISO). For some of us, our first attempt at getting help was calling the ISO office or searching the ISO website for a local meeting. For others, it was reading SAA literature, like the green book or one of the numerous pamphlets published by the ISO. Still others came to the SAA fellowship through local outreach efforts supported by the ISO.